Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 21, 2007


Earlier this week I woke up to my hubby standing in the doorway saying, "Liz...??" I glanced at the clock and to my chagrin it said 7:32 am. I'm supposed to be at work at 7:45 am. And it's a 7 minute drive. And I hadn't showered for 2 days. Wonderful combo...and so I called work and told them I'd be late, then raced through my morning routine and managed to make it into the bank just as it was turning 8 o'clock. Apparently I work best under pressure. Good thing today was my last day of work for 9 days!

Yes, you read that right, I'm taking off 9 days from work -- a week long vacation (paid, mind you) so I can accomplish some things around our house -- like FINALLY painting our bedroom and stairway! It was so refreshing to walk out the door of the bank and know that I don't have to go back in to Monday's craziness after the weekend! I get a whole week off -- and I get paid for it!! I've never had a paid vacation before...but I know I'm going to like it. Especially not having to be anywhere before 8 am. :) Sweet sleep, here I come...


Charissa said...

yay for you! I hope you're enjoying the first official day of your vacation and getting to spend time with your sweet new niece!

I wish I could be there to help you paint. What did you decide to do with the stairs?

Liz said...

I am enjoying it so far!! :) And I plan on visiting sweet little Laina this afternoon...

As for the stairs, I decided to paint them "Late Tomato"'s mostly red, but almost pinkish, so I hope I don't end up hating it....and *some day* Al is going to cover the stairs with a thin piece of oak so they look like they are wood, rather than painting them. Though I might paint them white or something for my sake until he actually has time to do that... :)

Samm said...

LMHO!! i've done that once but that was only for school.